Be the Brave Ones

Who is God? Introductory Episode w/Mandie, Delaney, & Lauren

Brave Girls Gather Season 16 Episode 82

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Who is God? That is a BIG question! In this series, we'll be looking at some of the names of God to help answer it. Throughout the Bible we see person after person finding security, confidence and courage to become all God made them to be, not in who they were but in who God is. We think He wants to show us that He desires to do for us what He did for them and that we can find so much of what we are looking for by understanding more about His Great Name. It's a weapon for any and every life circumstance! 

In this introductory episode, Mandie, Delaney, & Lauren talk about the reason behind the series and dive into Exodus 3:10-17, the story of Moses at the burning bush! Moses had some questions, and God had some answers. He has answers for us too! Join us as we discover them at this table of brave conversation. 

It is our hope that meaningful conversations on the podcast will inspire you to have meaningful conversations of your own with the girls in your life!

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my hope, and I think why this is, such an important series is that you don't just know the names of God, but you learn to speak them like over and over again in your daily life. I think it it'll just bring us to a deeper personal relationship with the Lord. is such a sweet destination to be at.


helping you live brave, build community, and pass on courageous faith to the girls around you. This is Be the Brave Ones podcast.


Hey everybody, it's Mandy here and I'm here with Delaney and Lauren. What's up guys?


Hey, I'm so happy we have Lauren and me and Mandy, the trio. I We're excited that the podcast is back.


Yes, and we're excited because we have been talking about this series together and brainstorming it. Looking at and examining and turning upside down and sideways and all around going, God, what do you want us to share with our audience through this series? And I've been super excited about it. What about you guys?


Yes, I've learned a lot. So excited to keep talking about it. Keep digging into it. Keep learning. Together and with our listeners and what they get out of the study as well.


Yeah, I feel like there's still much to learn about this series, so that's why I am, I'm excited for the podcast to just keep in conversation. We're only getting started truly when it comes to this series.


Yeah, I, I agree. We've done some groundwork and, um, now, now we are actually walking out what we've put together. And so it's like a whole, whole other layer of what we're gonna learn alongside of you guys as you're here with us listening. And so the name of the series is Who Is God? So we just got out of talking about who are we and where do we belong, and it just felt so natural when God put it on our heart to talk about him. Now. And so we're gonna do that by talking about the names of God. And there are a bazillion names of God, like, not literally, but there's a lot of'em in the Bible. If you go in there and you look, or you just look up names of God, there's, it's just endless. And we would literally have to do like a year long series to cover them all. Um, so we chose to go with the Jehovah names of God in this series, which are Jehovah Shalom. The Lord is my peace. Jehovah Gyra, the Lord is my provider. Jehovah Rafa, the Lord is my healer. And Jehovah Nii, the Lord is my banner. But we are also going to kick it off with discussing with you guys our key scripture, which is Exodus three verses 10 through 17. And it's Moses at the burning bush, you guys. And God tells him that he is gonna go to Pharaoh and he's gonna stand up to Pharaoh and Moses is all kind of nervous about it. He thinks that he's not the guy, but God reassures him that he is gonna be with him. And Moses asks him his name and God answers. And we're gonna jump into that in a minute. But before we do, I just want to ask you guys, right, because we're talking about the names of God and we all have names, so I'm wondering, uh, Delaney and Lauren, is there like another name that you go by, A nickname maybe, or just some other name in your life that you go by? Are known as


So for the longest time, Mandy, I think I can remember it. When I was a kid, I wanted so bad to be called dj. I was a huge fan of Full House. Still am. So I loved older sister, dj and my middle name is Joyce. So it was like, come on y'all, it's perfect. dj, I'm musical. I'm like, I could be a fun hip hop dj. No one has called me dj. I get D, I get Laney, I get, uh. little D but never a dj. And I feel like I'm, I'm, I'm 24, so it's like it's too late to start a new nickname unless I, like, I will say when I'm at Starbucks or any place where they ask for my name, for my order, often I will say DJ because it's easier than trying to do Delaney. So I've kind of implemented that name, that nickname. but


I love it


Just, yeah, my sister-in-law calls me Laney. And so like a lot of the cousins call me, Laney, all my nieces and nephews, which they can't talk yet, but you get what I mean.


And what's so funny right now is with those headphones on in front of that mic, you look like a dj,




and I, I don't know, Delaney, I might have to start calling you dj.


I, yeah, we can make this happen.


we can do it. We can make your childhood dreams come true


I would love that. What about you, Lauren?


the first one I thought of was right after I got married. My husband's name is Freeman, so my, now my name now is. Lauren Freeman and I started teaching right after we got married. And so all day long I was Mrs. Freeman, Mrs. Freeman, Mrs. Freeman, Mrs. Freeman. And it was crazy how quick I took on my new name because of how often I was hearing it by these sweet old kids. Um, and that question just got me thinking through all these silly nicknames I've had over the years. It, I've had. Um, my dad called me Sas. My maiden name was Perilla, so he called me sas, like the soda sass, barilla. Um,


I was gonna say,'cause you're, you're not sassy, Lauren. That's just,


I have it in me.I have it in me sometimes, but yeah, so with the, with the soda it was Sas Barilla, and then I had just kind of random nicknames over the years. And then my husband for it's evolved, um, now calls me Blarney Stone. So it started with like. Lauren, then it was Lornie, then Larne, then Blarney, then Blarney Stone, um, which is just ridiculous. But no one else knows what that means. But now you all do. Um, but yeah, he will, he'll say, Hey, Blarney, can you come do the dishes with me? Or whatever it is. So


amazing. That's amazing.


how about you, Mandy?


so I, I'll go this route. Okay. And, and it's probably already a given, but maybe it's not. Maybe some people don't know that my given name is Amanda, that Mandy is my nickname. And here's a, a little story for you. Is that the reason why I'm, I go by Mandy. I actually have a birth certificate with Mandy on it. Um, but my dad did not prefer the name Mandy and ended up compromising with my mom that my, if my given name was Amanda, that we could call me Mandy. And my mom was a Berry Manalow fan. So there's a song out there. You guys might be too young to to know it. Do you know it? Oh, Mandy? No. Okay. Yeah, sorry. Uh, but there's a song and I actually have a 45 record with, uh, Mandy on it. And it's, but it's actually spelled, and this is the way that my mom spelled, my name is M-A-N-D-Y, but somewhere around late grade school, early middle school. I didn't wanna be like the other Mandy. And because it was a nickname, I could change the spelling, so I changed it to IE. So fun facts about my name. So we are jumping into the names of God, and I wanna know from you guys, let's, let's tell our listeners, because we've been round tabling this, we've been looking at it, we've been examining so much when it comes to the names of God. why do you feel like this series is so important right now?


Names are so personal and I feel like they give us dimension. Even nicknames you feel like you, you get, you get some sort of choice in some, in calling someone a nickname. and when you know someone by name. It is just a sweet relationship and you're, you're kind of on a new level, you know, and I feel like. Who better than to be the most personal and intimate with, than to really know the names of God, what they mean, where they came from. and then not just my, my hope, and I think why this is, such an important series is that you don't just know the names of God, but you learn to speak them like over and over again in your daily life. And you call upon God for his many names. so yeah, I think it it'll just bring us to a deeper personal relationship with the Lord. is such a sweet destination to be at.


Yeah, very similarly that that intimacy, I kept getting this picture of like when someone new starts, maybe it's at school, someone new starts, or at a job. If you're a woman listening to this and you get a first impression, and I think a lot of times we can just like go with our first impression of God, like. That's good. That's it. There's nothing more to it. but there is more to it. And as we start to get to know that new person, you know, the second conversation maybe we think, oh, she's funny. So we start to layer these attributes and these names to someone as we grow in intimacy with them and we see more and more and more of who they're, so I think, like Delaney said, just as we. Come to know these names, not just knowing what they mean, but like experiencing them, like knowing them, knowing them. Um, we're gonna live differently and we're gonna love the Lord differently because of it. And it's just gonna change like how we relate to him, how we approach him, what we are experiencing in our life, because we start to understand that that is bigger than our circumstances and it's bigger than the things that are around us.


Yeah, I agree. And also I think about just coming out of the Child of God series. And if you're new, if you're a new listener, go back and listen to The Child of God series.'cause this one again just follows up so great behind. Did, um, but realizing that I'm fully cherished, fully known, fully loved, and that nobody can take that away from me, and that I've been adopted as a daughter of my Heavenly father, and then to go, well, who is my heavenly father?




And, and as we've explored this, just how much better God keeps getting. Like the more we look at him we're we're just like, wow, God. And I feel like there's so much out there today, like there's so many statistics saying that girls are struggling with their mental health. I know so many girls, young girls who are struggling with anxiety. When I was young, nobody was struggling with anxiety as a middle schooler, like nobody was struggling with anxiety. High school is when you started to see some of that. And then young adulthood you would see more of it. But really Like it's off the charts. And so I am finding as we have taken a look at these names of God, that there is security and there's confidence and there's courage in his name. And so when we're feeling shaky, when we're like, I don't really know how I'm gonna be this person who I've been called to be, I can look at who my God is. And it's not about me, it's about my God. And I think that that's something that's so important for girls and women to know right now. So when you guys were putting the, your portion of the series together, uh, what is something significant that really stood out to you that you learned?


I had two things I think that just continued to come up in my heart part of starting preparation for the series was I did a 30 day devotional and it every day had a different name or attribute of God and one of the Attributes was. described as God cannot change. Um, and I, I know there's this popular song right now, the same God we've been talking about it at Brave and this idea that an attribute of our God is that he cannot change. Not that he's just chosen not to change, but that he does not change. Um, so that one really stuck with me too as I learned about that. And then, thinking about, I'll, I'll stop there. I'll let Delaney jump in and, and share more.


So something that I love about when we get to create these series and really learn. on the front end and be like the frontline learners of this just for the sake of sharing, but also for the sake of just like being able to learn more. I am a lover of like learning how to love God with my mind.'cause I feel like over the past years. I'm, I'm just a very, like, passionate person, so I know how to love God with my heart and like with my hands and like my strength and my soul, but it's, it's tricky for me to love God with my mind in the sense of like studying scripture, figuring out context, and with this, this Most of our scripture, I feel like, comes from the Old Testament, and it is coming from, a figure of the Old Testament, speaking it about God. are times where God will declare his name, especially in Exodus when he's like, I am who I am, and it's beautiful. There's, it's just such a rich series of scripture and something that I've loved is tying it to The New Testament, tying it to the character of Jesus. Jesus is the fullness of God. He's the image of the invisible, which means We can look at Jesus and see these names, see these characteristics of God all take place. So I've loved learning. To love God with more of my mind, the fullness of my mind, like doing my diligence in my research and doing my my best at learning and being a learner of the word and a disciple in that regard for the sake of like just benefiting my prayer time, benefiting my time in the word, but also like I see it coming out in my conversations with other, other girls and other women like you talk about what you learn. You talk about what you read, you talk about what you put in your, your mind. So when. we've been given such a beautiful series to talk about and research and really dive into it overflows in our conversations, and that has been such a gift as I'm working through, the name of God that I was given. Like, I've just, I've been able to just see it more clearly and talk about it more clearly, and it's been a blessing overall,


And we are curating content for you guys, listeners, we're going in and we're asking the Lord, Lord, what do you want us to pull out for them? And we're pulling out this content, but we want you to dive deep. We want you to dive in. We want you to learn because you have the same Holy Spirit that we have, and the girls in your life have the same Holy Spirit that we have. And that's what it's all about. And in our culture, we've kind of, you know, in Christian culture, we've kind of made it where it's like, oh, we, we can just go to someone and they'll give us the content and, and we can just grab a hold of that and receive what. They learned from God, but I cannot say enough to receive this content so that you might understand God better and do what Delaney was saying. She's doing right. She's learning about it and it's coming out in her conversations, and that is the beauty of learning about God is it's not only for us, but then he pours it out of us because we're gonna be in a conversation with someone and they're gonna need to know who Jehovah Gyre is. They're gonna need to know who Jehovah Shalom is. They're gonna need to know about Gideon, which is one of the, um, people from the Bible we're gonna talk about. They're gonna need to know about Abraham and Moses and what God did for them. And so for me, I'll also share personally, just walking through some tough things with people, walking through some tough things in my own life. Delaney, what you said about Jesus', the fullness of all of these names of God. We're in the Old Testament looking at these characters, looking at these people, but Jehovah Shalom, Jehovah Jireh. Jehovah Rafa, Jehovah Nii. Jesus is the fulfillment of all those. Jesus is our peace. He is our provider. He is our healer. He's our banner. He's our victory. And so we're gonna dive more into that as we move through conversations in the series. And we We want you to hang out for that. because we're gonna jump into those names, but we want you to see that this is who our good heavenly father gave us in Jesus. He gave us a healer. He gave us a provider. He gave us victory. He gave us peace. And so now we're gonna jump into our key scripture. We want you guys to know the key scripture. That the rest of our conversations are gonna kind of jump out of, and it's an Exodus three verses 10 through 17. Lord, would, would you read those for us now?


it says, come, I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring my people, the children of Israel out of Egypt. But Moses said to God, who am I that I should go to? Pharaoh? The children of Israel out of Egypt. He said, but I will be with you and this shall be the sign for you that I have sent you. When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain. Then Moses said to God, if I come to the people of Israel and say to them, the God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they ask me, what is his name? What shall I say to them? God said to Moses, I am who I am, and he said, say this to the people of Israel. I am has sent me to you. God also said to Moses, say this to the people of Israel, the Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob has sent me to you. This is my name forever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations. Go and gather elders of Israel together and say to them, the Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob has appeared to me saying, I have observed you in what has been done to you in Egypt. I promise that I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt to the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the parasite, the HIEs, and the land flowing with.


And so we started with this scripture listeners, because we didn't wanna just jump into Jehovah Gyra and Niecy and Shalom we wanted to, to talk about that Jehovah part of the name, like who is God, like, where did that come from? And so what we really loved about this section of scripture is Moses is being called to do something and he's like, I, I don't really think I'm the person. God, I don't think I'm your guy. And God answers him by saying, doesn't tell him who he is. God. Proceeds to say, I'm going to be with you. And when Moses asks God his name, God doesn't just give him his name, he gives him the meaning of his name. And so this I am who I am is the meaning of Jehovah. It's the meaning of y Yahweh, and it's the fullness of the verb form. To be, and so in the Hebrew language, they didn't have as many words as we did. So one word would have this huge depth of meaning. So what really God was saying is not only I am, but I was, I am. I always will be. And what we noticed when we were looking at the scripture is that God actually was saying that and the rest of what he communicated to Moses when he said, say this to the people of Israel, he says, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has sent me to you. That's the God who was. And this is my name forever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations. He is the God that will forever be. And then he says that he sees them. I love this part of this scripture. In verse 16, it says, I have observed you in what has been done to you, and I promise I will bring you up out of affliction of. Egypt to the land of the Canaanites. And so he's also saying, I am with you right now. I'm about to do something because I've observed what's been done to you. And that's such a great encouragement, to me and to all of you listeners. To us it's been as well. And what we also saw is we'd already determined that we were gonna do these Jehovah names, these four Jehovah names of God. And as we looked at this section of scripture, we were like. Actually these names are in here. God is saying through what he's saying to Moses, he's saying, I'm your peace. I'm your provider. I'm your healer, and I am going to be your victory. And so I would love to ask, uh, you let you, Delaney and Lauren speak into this a little bit. What what stood out in the scripture when you read it?


Yeah, I. Like you touched on, but God's response, it wasn't to reassure Moses. It wasn't who Moses was, like God did not respond and say, you are all these things. But he said, I am like I'm enough. And So this promise and this goodness of who God is, was the response and was enough for Moses to then go and be obedient to God's call in his life.


Yeah. That's so good. was definitely a, one of the biggest takeaways was, pointing our eyes to God when we have questions, when we, Are so self-focused and so self-sufficient or we, we see our insufficiency and we are acting out of that. I think also what Moses did was really impactful for me in my prayer life. Um, he asks, what is his name? He asks of God Please tell me something about you. Like, show me who you are, what is his name? talking about like, God, give me more about you. And yes, Moses had this, this like me mindset as well, but ultimately Moses was like, I need to know more about you. These people are gonna ask about you. Like he knew it was about God. And so in my own prayer life, I think this passage has really helped me just turn my eyes to God and ask him, God, what is your name? What name of yours? do I need to echo in my mind today and do I need on my lips this morning? So just that first part too of Moses's question. What is his name? Like? I think it has really shaped my own questions to the Lord and asking what is your name, how are your names to be used? Where do these come from? I think that has just, been such a good mindset for me from this passage. For sure.


Yeah, that's good. Delaney.


Yeah. And something funny that came to mind. You know, we can use our imagination when reading the word. And, um, I wonder if there was like an argument like back in Egypt about what God's real name was and he was like, God, while we're here, what's your name? You know, like


I'm sure because he, like, he, he could've, he could have said, I like he has in the past said, I'm the God of Jacob. I'm the God of I, Isaac and Abraham, like the names that are so familiar to these, these Israelites. Um, but God gave him a new name. He gave him something deeper. He said, I am who I am. And I just, I know that Blue Moses's mind to hear something new, to hear something like mind blowing and'cause it's confusing at first, especially in our own, like English language as we read this. I am who I am. Please tell me more. Like, it's just, it's fascinating. I, I love it.


and, and that, that aspect really stood out to me as well. And, and that's part of why I felt just so encouraged when we got into this content and, and started to look at what God wanted us to, to bring to the table is that whole element of feeling like, I'm not enough,




being in that place of God. You're asking me to do something and I question whether I'm the girl I question what you've called me to do, and thinking of what you were saying, uh, Lauren, about the same God, he's the same God. He's the God of Moses and he's the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and, and Mary, and Ruth and Naomi. He's the same God. He's the God of Esther, like he's the God who stood behind them as they were able to do these big, crazy things. And so whatever he's asking us to do, whether it feels so, like something small today or maybe it feels monumental, maybe it's having a conversation with someone that you need to confront or forgive. Whatever it is. When we put our focus on the character of God and on the Attributes of God, that's where we're gonna gain what we need to keep going, and the enemy's gonna come at us and try to lie and tell us, like get us off and, and make us question who we are. Right? He did that to Adam and Eve. He made'em question who they were. And so when we know who we are, that's why, it's why it's so important to know that. And we know who our God is. It's both of'em together. Who am I and who is my God? That's how I'm gonna be able to continue going when things get difficult and, and actually step into the things that God asked me to do,


I think also real quick, the verse 16, Mandy, you Were, talking about God saying, I've observed you and what has been done to you in Egypt. and so when we navigate these things like we are with a God who. knows us and sees us, and. Specifically in this series, as I thought through Jehovah Rappa, the God who heals, like we have to know the problem to experience healing. And so. just this verse kept coming up to me that God saw what happened. God knows what happened, like he and, and he knows probably better than us what happened. and so he really can heal it in ways that we may not expect. He might heal something that we don't foresee. That being the solution for. And we could go into all the different names from this passage specifically, but that kept coming up as like he knows, like he intimately knows what is going on. He knows what name we need to hear. Going to Delaney, like he knows what name to tell her for that day because he's seen what's going on. He's seen what's going on in her life. He's seen what's going on in the lives of the women around her that might need that name on her lips. Um, and he knows, he sees.


Yeah, that's beautiful.


That's really good, Lauren. I'm glad that you brought that up because when it comes to God as healer and the fulfillment of healing that we receive in Jesus, it's everything you guys and, and walking through the last two, two series that we've done walking through Child of God and then the beginnings of this one and getting this one put together. I was walking through some things where God was showing me these childhood wounds because people were triggering them like they were getting opened up and What was my healing was understanding that I'm a child of God, but then even taking it deeper is the fulfillment of Jesus as my full healer. That when Jesus walked the earth, he was actually securing for us everything that we would need in order to be healed because he was living a human experience and he was experiencing all of these things that we experience. And then he took them into the grave where they died and then he rose again. And he poured out his spirit. He poured out everything that we needed, and when we started digging into, uh, Jesus, when we started digging into Jehovah Rafa and seeing that connection to Jesus, that was just like another breaking free moment for me of. Jesus is our complete healer, and it's not just physical healing, emotional healing, mental healing, trauma from our past, healing all of it. He came to conquer it all. And in John 8 58, this was also truly a beautiful thing to recognize. In John 8 58, Jesus said to the Pharisees who are questioning who he was, he says, truly, truly. I say to you before Abraham was, I am. And so this, This name, this meaning of his name that God had given to, uh, Moses. Jesus declares that that's who he is, and so we can hold onto that. As we move through this series. We can hold onto every conversation that we have. We're gonna talk about where did each. Each of these names of God, where did it come from? What was the story behind it? And then we're always gonna bring it back to Jesus. And that that is ours. That that name of God is ours. We have a brave conversation. It's already out. What is a brave conversation? It's conversation cards. A leader guide and instructions for creating a super cute crafty takeaway that you can gather with girls. Have a brave conversation with them about who they think God is and how they see God. And then you can access our Spotify worship playlist. Every song on this playlist is meant to remind you of everything that you're hearing on the podcast, everything that you're learning through conversation. Um, these songs have been curated to remind you of who God is and what his name means. And then we also have the rest of the podcast series to encourage you. We wanna have meaningful conversations here so you can have, go, have meaningful conversations of your own. And then finally, on December 1st, you can access a Bible study. On these conversations that we've been having on these names of God you can gather with your girls, sit and dive into God's word together and discover for yourself who he is. So we invite you to join us for that. Delaney and Lauren, did you have anything that you wanna say before we wrap up?


I, yes. So These names that we're gonna be talking about these, the scripture that you're gonna be hearing over and over again, y'all, and that we have just saturated ourselves in so that we can pour out and bless you guys. They are not for just you. Like everything that we do we need to have other girls in mind. We need to have other women, in their hearts and what they're walking through in mind. And so like, may these names be on your lips so that you can encourage and bless and pray over the women in your life. So that's just, that's just been on my heart is as I was hearing you talk, Mandy, like, don't do this life alone. You need These names to be, on your lips and in your ears, like, get surrounded by other women. Talk about this. This will be the most, uh, refreshing thing for you to gather with girls in your life and talk about who God is. Who is God like. That is the best question to talk to someone who is God to you. Like I'm just, I'm excited for you guys to have meaningful conversations. It just fires me up and I, I know that they'll be rich and a blessing to you and those that you talk to.


And Delaney, I, I, I can't let this conversation go without having you speak into this for a minute. You got this vision from God of his, uh, names being like arrows and you having a bow to shoot at life's circumstances and, and his name. You have to have the right name for the right circumstance. Share a little bit about that.


Yes. So I don't know what it is. Me and archery, I've, I've maybe shot a bow and arrow a couple times, but when I Was walking through this and thinking of who is God, what are his names?'cause there's so many names you can call'em. I got this picture of a quiver of arrows and each arrow represents a different name of God and we always have them with us. And the bow representing scripture, representing the The guide that we have, the structure that we have to use these names, and the who Jesus is, the gospel, like the message of the Bible, like using that to make sure we hit it on target and the target being, whether it is something that we are going through. That is really hard. Um, or something that we need, like if we are in lack and we need to gain something like the bullseye being, whatever faces our way, whatever is staring right at us, we can use scripture in the name of God to. Just bring us peace to bring us what we need to, give us healing and joy, and clarity and wisdom. Everything for life and godliness is found in Jesus and found in his scripture and these names, I want you guys to wear it on your. Back and just have them at the ready to be used for battle and to be used to protect the women in your life and to protect your mind and your thoughts. So I just, I get this like epic battle scene of like, you know, you have an archery, you have, you have your bow, you have your arrow, and you are ready, and the only weapon you use. Is a name of who God is and the word of God, and you're good to go. That's all you need.


Yeah. That's so powerful. I love that you bring in the word of God to that, because we can use it outta context.




can be like, Jehovah Gyra, I want a new car. You know, like Jehovah Gyra. I want a boyfriend or a husband, you know, like, um, we can, we can give him the desires of our heart, but having that context is how we hit the bullseye.




Lauren, did you have any closing remarks?


I don't, I just, I'm so excited. for this series. I am excited for you listeners. in for yourselves and learn. Sit in the word of God for yourself. And like Delaney said, like, learn how to study scripture, uh, alongside us.


Yes. We look forward to you guys being here with us. as we continue on in this series, If you haven't subscribed to the podcast, go ahead and do that now'cause you're not gonna wanna miss out and find all the additional tools and resources for this series on Brave girls