Be the Brave Ones

Who is God Series, Jehovah Jireh w/Cally Logan

Amanda Maass Season 16 Episode 83

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Who is God? That is a BIG question! In this series, we're looking at some of the names of God to help answer it. Throughout the Bible we see person after person finding security, confidence and courage to become all God made them to be, not in who they were but in who God was and still is.  Today, we talk with author Cally Logan about God being known by the name Jehovah Jireh, the Lord is My Provider.

Cally is a high school History teacher, and Senior Writer for Her works include, Hang in There, Girl! and Dear Future Husband, which was featured on, The 700 Club Interactive and Propel Women. She is a mentor for college-aged girls and enjoys challenging her students to develop deeper relationships with God and to live authentically and fearlessly.

Cally talks with Mandie & Delaney about her latest book, surrendering what we love, laying down idols, waiting well, and trusting God to provide what we need when we need it! Join us at the this table of brave conversation! And don't leave the conversation here. We have meaningful conversations on the podcast in hopes you will go and have some meaningful conversations of your own with the girls in your life.
Purchase Cally's book Dear Future Husband here.
Connect with Cally here.

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Cally Logan:

So. Search my heart like David and, and help me come into this deeper knowing of you that I see that you are better than anything this earth can have to offer.

Helping you live brave, build community, and pass on courageous faith to the girls around you. This is Be the Brave Ones podcast.


Hey there everybody. It's Mandy and Delaney. We're back on the podcast. What's up, Delaney


Hey everyone. Welcome back to the Be the Brave Ones Podcast. Our last series of 20 3. Oh my goodness.


totally said 20, 24 the other day when talking with someone and I was like, oh, no, it's, we're not there yet. I don't know why my mind's doing that, but yours just did it. So I'm not the only one.


Excited to have this conversation and all the upcoming conversations to come.


Uh, Delaney, you know, I love to ask girls a question that I feel is really helpful for just like opening up conversation, especially if I haven't talked to him in a little bit. And that question is, what's going well in your life? So I wanna ask you that today. What's going well?


I'd say I've had a lot of time to eliminate distractions, and I've not been good at that in the past, but Right now, in this season of life, I feel like I'm not as distracted and I'm, I'm letting my mind wander to things that is worthy of it and I'm not being I'm in control a little bit more of my thoughts and my time because there is to distractions. And I think part of that is just boundaries that I've set up but also just, uh, the season of life that We're just kind of know. I feel like We have shields up this time around and we're like, I can't do that right now. I'm that Or the morning, like my shield is obviously the word of God and it's like, I'm not gonna do anything else over my phone until, and I haven't been that strict in the past. So that's what's going well for me right now is just, eliminating a bit more distractions What about you


I love that. Uh, what's going well for me right now is God I know that sounds like cliche, uh, but seriously, like there's so much hard stuff going on around me right now and I've even dealt with some struggles in my own life, and all I can say is God is faithful. He's enough, in the darkest of the dark, he's enough. Um, when you're walking along, someone who's really going through it, he's enough. And sometimes that is, that is what we need, is just to know that he's enough and to lean into him. And, we're walking through a season where we feel like I just can't, it's immediately the thought, but God, you can. And so let me just hold onto you. Let me walk with you. Let me breathe you in, let me breathe you out. And that's kind of where I feel like I am right now. So that's what's going well. And praise the Lord that he's there and that he's enough. And, you know, but I just want our listeners to know a great follow-up question to that question is, what's not going so well? What's hard right now? And I feel like that can just take a conversation deeper, so we are in this new series called Who is God? And we are talking about listeners, the names of God. We're, we're taking a look at a few of God's names because we have found that there is security and confidence and courage in God's names. And we feel like when putting this, uh, Series together that we just can't even do justice to. The magnitude and the might of God's name. But we wanna try our best to just give like a little snippet and encourage you to take all of this in because we believe that if you'll take all of this in, you are going to walk out of the other side of this series changed. But our key scripture for this series is Exodus three 10 through 17, and this is the story of Moses at the burning bush talking with God. And if you wanna hear more about that, go back and listen to our introduction episode to this series. We Talk All about it. But in that section of scripture, in verse 17, it says, and, and this is the Lord talking to Moses, he says, and I promise that I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt to the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the parasites, the hitite. And I have no idea if I said that one right? So don't hold me to it. The the HIEs. And the genocides. A land flowing with milk and honey. And what God is saying here is he's gonna take the Israelites out of Egypt and he's gonna take them into a land flowing with provision. And God is letting Moses know, here I am your provider. And so in this episode, we are specifically talking about God as provider and his name as provider is Jehovah Gyra. If you've ever heard that Jehovah Gyra before, what it means is that he is provider. And we're gonna talk about that more in the episode, but we also have a very special guest who's gonna join us for this conversation, and we are so excited to invite her on. Her name is Callie Logan, She's an author, a high school history teacher, and a senior writer for Her works include Hang in there girl and dear Future husband, which we're gonna talk about on the episode today. She's been featured on the 700 Club Interactive and Propel Women. She's a mentor for college girls and enjoys challenging her students to develop deeper relationships with God and to live authentically and fearlessly. Hi Callie. Welcome to the podcast.

Track 1:

Hey, thanks so much for having me on. I'm so happy to be here today.


Callie, we are talking about some of the names of God in this series, and so we thought it would be fun to kick this off by asking you do you know the meaning to your name or is there like a special story behind your name, and would you share that with us?

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Yeah, so my mom, uh, actually got my name from a television show in the eighties called Dallas. And the story behind it that's kind of cute is when she was pregnant with me, she had this feeling that it was gonna be artsy somehow. She was like, I didn't know if you. Were going to be an artist in the way of painting or drawing. I didn't know if you were gonna write, but I knew you were gonna end up somehow in the art field, and so I wanted to give you an artsy name. And so there was a character on that show named Callie, and she was like, I just in my head, you were blonde and you were gonna be artsy just like the character was. And so, sure enough, I don't know, I kind of feel like. That was a little bit prophetic and everything, but I loved sharing that story. But that's where my, my name came from. And just that in her spirit, that's what she was kind of praying over me years before I would even pick up a pen or anything.


That's so fun. I love hearing stories of names and even the meaning behind names as well. And so we would love for you, your Christian author, and so we would love for you to share. How did you get started on that journey?

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Yeah, I've always felt like I had so much within that I wanted to say. And by nature I'm actually a pretty quiet person. I observe a lot. I take in a lot, but I don't always say a lot, but I write a lot too. And so I felt so inspired just when I was in college that I wanted to start writing blogs. And so I did, and after college I started working with youth and I saw things going on in their lives and thought, man, I've either experienced that myself or I've. Seen this success story or that success story, or these lessons learned by other people. And so I thought, well, what if I cultivated and made more than just a blog, but books that were to encourage young people. Uh, so that was really kind of the genesis behind the first book, hanging in Their Girl. And then it just has evolved from there. Um, and it's, it's kind of grown in age group and demographic too, where I've written for, for young women. And then now currently I, I feel like I'm writing for women my own age and thirties and, you know, and beyond.


that's really amazing to really reflect on looking at God, what story are you writing in and through me and what am I hearing in the lives of others? Like what are others needing, uh, to know about you? And then taking that and turning it into a tool that can be used. To glorify God through your testimony and through the things that he showed you. so you have actually recently done that with your latest book, that is called Dear Future Husband you guys, this is the neatest book. It includes letters that Callie began writing to her. Future husband many years ago, and there's a whole story behind this Callie, of what led you to actually publish this book because you were never intending to publish the letters. something happened and that led you to do it. So tell us about that.

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So, uh, in 2021 we were in the midst of the edit process for Hanging and There Girl, and something that's kind of unique about book writing that people don't really realize is you turn in the manuscript and then you, along with an editor, editor end up in a huge overhaul of The book, it's kind of a renovation of everything and you're going and digging in deep. And for years I had written letters to my future husband since I was 18, and I've shared that with, I'm a grade school teacher too, and I shared that with young ladies. I shared that with the kids I mentor. And all thought that was just such the neatest idea. And so I thought, well, I'll just include a couple paragraphs about it in the book. So literally in the entirety of the book, there are three paragraphs about it. And, uh, morning time, I spend my time with the Lord, I, I love what Delaney was saying about like, not picking up your phone first thing in the morning, but spending time with God. And I really try. To cultivate that and do that myself. And so I had my coffee time with God and this one particular morning, it was November 7th, 2021, I was just listening and thought, oh God, do you have anything you wanna say to me today? And he asked me a question, he said, what would you think about making a book off of your letters? And I knew exactly what he was talking about and I, I didn't even really get to answer'cause I was. So blown away by the question and on with my day taught and everything, and the next day I got an email from the publisher and they said, you know, we were going through the manuscript and we found it really compelling that you have this practice of writing letters. Have you ever thought about making a book off of that? And I didn't need any more confirmation in the world, Then that was the next book venture. So that's kind of where that came from.


I wanna jump back for a minute and ask you what inspired you to start writing letters to your future husband?

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I, uh, well, I was 18. I was about to graduate high school and life was just changing rapidly. I was getting ready to go to college. French groups were changing. I was starting to gain a little bit more confidence and I. In myself and kind of, grow out of those, teenage years. And I thought, man, I wish my husband was here, that I could share all this stuff with him. And it was so clear to me that he was nowhere near that I could see. And I thought, well, I could write him a letter, like a message in the bottle. And I could give it to him one day.'cause the version of me he'll meet will probably be more mature and a little bit more refine and all these different things. And then he'll feel like he didn't miss anything along the way. And so, uh, I started writing letters and have been doing it now for, I guess next year will be 13 years. But yeah.


that's a long time.

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continue writing And I, I've read your book. I took some time over the past several days and read it. And in your book there's some honesty in there, there's some vulnerability. you always move to hope. And that's what's beautiful and that's what really stands out is your letters sometimes will start off with these questions or being honest about your questions, but then you move to declaring what the Lord says and turning to his promises and you bring the word into it. And I believe that's a beautiful picture of how we wait. Well, and so I just wanna ask you, you know, sometimes, lot of times this is an area for women that can easily become an idol. waiting for our future spouse. And so talk to us a little bit about that and how you came to a place to surrender, desire for a husband to God.

Cally Logan:

you for the kind words on the book and I'm so glad that you enjoyed it.'cause I, I loved writing it and I wanted to make sure that it wasn't a memoir, but it was really something that other women can find themselves. in curiosity of what was unfolding in the story, but also, oh, I relate to that. Or I felt that as well. And you know, by definition, an idol is anything that comes. Between God and us, uh, you know, Thor's deeper connection and deeper relationship or that we're placing of more importance than him. And I'm guilty that there were some years where I had so many friends getting married and a long list of excuses, but I felt like I wanted that more than I wanted my relationship with God. And I had some kind sisters come alongside me and say, I think as much as you want this now, I think God has something else. he wants to develop his relationship with you more, and that was a good redirection. For me personally and, and the journey of it, you know, God really revealed to me the importance of you know, he is our first love and that most important relationship really being with him and looking at it too, that God has already given us his best in Christ, you know, truly. Any earthly relationship is only ever then going to be second, uh, our best is with Christ. And that was a, a huge piece of realizing that. And so I think if you are struggling with idolatry in the way of, oh, I, I want this one thing'cause it's, you know, for now it might be a husband and two years from now, now it might be a baby or it might be a career shift or anything else. You have to look at it. Is it worth more than my relationship with the creator? And really do that honest heart check in. And if the answer is you saying, yeah, I want that more than I want relationship with God. I think vulnerably bringing that to him and saying, I know that's off balance, that's off kilter. That's not what you desire. So. Search my heart like David and, and help me come into this deeper knowing of you that I see that you are better than anything this earth can have to offer.


That's really good. Um, Delaney in the book as well. Uh, you see Callie going through this kind of sanctification process, right? Kelly? You're, you're just moving through the process and you're changing like it's written over years, and so you just, you watch, you grow up in the book and you watch like the sanctification process Delaney, do you wanna speak into that at all? Just, process of surrendering idols or do you have a question for Callie?


To cheerlead you on, this is such a needed message for women of all ages.'cause yes, I know that there are gonna be some young teens, who you and like myself, like when I was in high school, I was just dreaming about my wedding, you know? And, um, looking forward to that. And It was really easy for me to idolize that. And then even Though I got older and like I matured in my faith, it was still a struggle. I know there are some women still single and they're watching their friends get married and they, they need a friend in you, Callie, who's kind of in the same boat and just cheering them on. And then, speak to like, if and when you do get married, you're still gonna have to write letters to your husband. You're still gonna have to wrestle with God communicate. With your true lover who is Christ. And I just, I just see this beautiful, like life in your writing through just, I guess they are like devotions to the Lord of like, Lord, is my heart and you're including another person in it, which would be your future husband. I hope that you would still write sweet letters to your husband in that same, I don't know. Era or like even just continuing on and say like, Hey, I met you and so and so, and so, I'm sure you've, you've dreamed about that too, but just to encourage you and cheerlead you on this is such a needed, just message of hope and of realigning our hearts with our true prince, our true lover of our soul, and, I'm just so excited to get this podcast out so people can hear about the book too. I know there's so many out there that would be blessed by this. what would you is biggest fear that you had publishing this or writing it too? Because it takes a lot to put pen and paper, even if no one's gonna see it. You know, like you have, your own heart to wrestle with and. You have the Lord's eyes seeing these words. What are some fears that you may have struggled with, and maybe even in regard to, Lord, are you ever gonna provide or husband for me? Like, walk me through some of those, those, that tension that you might have felt

Track 1:

I think probably the biggest fear and definitely the one that I had, I've never had so much spiritual warfare on a, a project in my life that I did this book. that was. Probably one of the biggest things of just the past year and a half of my life, of just the wrestling of all of that. And one of the things that Satan really tried to provoke me with or poke at me was that no one would want to read a book about marriage by a single woman. that there would be a deflated hope at the end. But, you know, I think that relates back to, well, am I encouraging women in their pursuit of God or am I encouraging them that Happily ever after has to be a human prince, And I think that's where Satan was really trying to get me caught up and idol here, get me caught up in fear that I'd be judged by everybody else when really God was asking me to do something and the results are on him. You know, Charles Stanley used to say, obey God and leave the consequences to him. And that was something I really had to learn. In addition to that, there is definitely that fear of will God actually provide this man? You know, am I writing to somebody who I have made up in my head, although I've had all these deep prayer things with, and that God has revealed facets of him to me, or is this actually somebody who's walking on this earth right now? And so after the season of writing it kind of in the midst before it came out, I really had some good hard time with God. And I really reflect To the pond, Psalm 37, 4, which is delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. And so before him at his feet, I said, Lord, Callie desires his husband. But if that's not on the table, if that's not something that you actually have vulnerably, I'm asking from this verse, praying out this first. Please remove that desire from my heart. You don't see Paul wanting that. You don't see Paul belly aching, that he has no wife. You don't see Paul thinking, well, it'd be kind of nice if I had a girl back home to write to too. I mean, there's none of that. He doesn't even mention it. You know, we, the only reason we know he doesn't have a wife is'cause it's explicitly said, um, but we don't see that seed of desire in him. And so I prayed about it. I left it at his feet, and I felt like in my spirit, there was a quietness in the Lord speaking to my heart that I would have an answer in a few days. Okay? And so I went out, I had this weird feeling I was supposed to go to Marshalls, This was like five days later. Oh, I love Marshalls. And so I was like, well, you don't have to ask me twice, Lord. I'll go. So I go through Marshalls, I don't find anything. It's just one of the like hit or miss. It was a missed day. But I pull out and I look in front of me and there's this vanity plate in front. And God, two, three minutes before had just reminded me my heart of that prayer. I had been praying kind of like, wait an expectation for your answer? And so just kind of almost with bated breath, I was like, okay, however you're gonna deliver it. The car in front of me to the right, I look up and there's a vanity plate that says Psalm 37, 4. Thankfully I took a picture of it,'cause I was like, okay, if that wasn't an answer. Alright Lord. And it was such a sweet moment of kind of like, Hey, remember that question you asked? Yes. And, and that was such a gift to me, just in relationship with God, a cool story to tell and the reminder that, hey, it matters to you because it matters to him. Ultimately, and then to be plunged into the whole season of, you know, sharing about this book. But having that in my heart of don't let the taunts of the enemy be so loud, um, that God's forgotten you, or that that promise isn't actually for you.


I think the only way you can do that, Callie, is when you're walking closely with the Lord, which is so evident that you're doing, you have ears to hear him. You have eyes to see him. That's what you're hearing listeners, is Callie has ears to hear and eyes to see because she is spending time with her father. And jump into some scripture now. we are looking at Genesis 22 verses one through 19. And this is actually the story of God being named Gyre. And he's named Jehovah Gyre Abraham. I'm just gonna read the verse where Abraham names God, Jehovah Gyra. And that is in verse 14 and it says, so Abraham called the name of that place The Lord will provide. As it is said to this day, on the mount of the Lord, it shall be provided. so this is the story of Abraham being tested. He has Isaac. Isaac and God tests him calling him to lay his son down. And for Abraham, this was something that I imagine might have been, For him to even wonder in his own heart, do I hold Isaac in higher regard than I do God? As like when we were talking about, how we could hold a husband or the need for a husband in higher regard, and so sometimes when God tests us, it might even be for us to be able to let go of something. And so abraham, takes Isaac to the place where God told him to take him and God actually ends up providing a ram in place of Isaac to be sacrificed to the Lord. And so we see that the Lord is a provider and I love the imagery here it being relatable to an idol and how when we lay an idol down, God is faithful to provide something else. And sometimes he puts what might have been an idol back into our hands because we laid it down and we showed him, no, you're more important. And so we're not gonna actually read all 19 verses of this. Story, but listeners, we wanna encourage you to go read it if you haven't. Uh, done so already. It's Genesis 22 verses one through 19. And so Delaney and Kelly, I just wanna ask you, when you read these verses, what stood out to you?

Track 1:

Yeah, like you were saying, I think just looking at it that you know, that was a potential for an idol and maybe that was even something Abraham was questioning in his heart, if it was an idol. Because I think about where he was, where he was given this promise, and at this point, probably roughly 35 years before he was given this promise, right, that he would have a son and he had to wait. It was somewhere between 10 and 20 years. For this son to even come to pass. And then here later, God's saying, I need you to go sacrifice him on this mountain. And how dream of that to kind of look at God, the thing you were asking me to do, the ask of that and I think, man. That would've been so hard, But then his willingness and then to say, Lord, I am willing, and then God provides, and then he didn't have to question his heart who his first love or his greatest treasure was. His greatest treasure is God. And he knew that at that moment, and that's really what stood out to me.


verse five, so before this all takes place. And as they're heading up the mountain to lay Isaac down a sacrifice, said, stay here with the donkey. He said to some other young men, and I and the boy will go over there and worship and come again to you. So that word worship to me just stuck out in my mind as Abraham was seeing this sacrifice, this really hard laying down self-denying, getting rid of his desires and choosing the Lord as worship. He didn't see it as an opportunity to be bitter. didn't call it and claim it as, I'm gonna go over. Like he wasn't. He, his attitude was, this is worship. This is something for the Lord. Obedience is worship. Sacrifice is worship. And to me that just all that hit my heart like a ton of bricks being like Delaney. Do you have in your heart, in your mind that the hard stuff, the laying idols down is worship? It is.'cause often I'm like, oh, I love worship. I love to sing. I love to serve other people and call it worship Delaney. Do you love doing the hard stuff? you're saying you're a lover of worship and you love Jesus, like you have to have in your heart that, I mean, it's hard to say that you love it, but say that you love God more. is worship, and I feel like just that, that word worship just rings echoes as I just continue to read the story of Abraham loving God enough and being obedient enough to lay that down and, said, Isaac is the son whom I love. Or you can replace Isaac in, in your own story of so and so is what I love. I love this job. I love this person. I love this idea, I love this situation, I'm gonna lay it down. And that's, that is worship. So I just wanted to, encourage other people too, and some listeners that like if you've made sacrifices for Jesus, for the sake of his name, whether it was for purity's sake, whether it was for self-denying yourself or doing something that people thought was crazy, but you knew that it was being obedient in the Lord. That is worship and it is worthy to call it that because it is to the praise of our Lord, and it gives him glory and honor.



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That's so And yeah, it's worship and In this story, when, when I look at this story, I see so much imagery, between Jesus and Isaac. so many elements, uh, of this story are pointing to what God would do with his son Jesus. And I really struggled with this story, you guys, when I first came to the Lord, when I first came to follow Jesus, this is one of those stories that I heard about and I was like, I just can't comprehend this. Like, I, I don't I can't process, like why would Abraham do this? I had ordered my first study Bible and I was having these questions and my first study Bible came in the mail and I opened it up. And right there at the front of the study Bible was this whole, written out explanation of this very story. And it was just, it was so sweet of God. I was like, oh my goodness, you've gotta be kidding me. it talks about how Abraham knew he had that much faith in God, that he could say, I trust you. And listeners, I want you to know that if there's something that you're holding onto with the death grip, that the, the greatest thing you could do is give it over to God and even tell him, Lord, even if you take it, even if you don't do what I want you to do, you. And so Abraham knew, he said, God, he held to God's promises. He said, God, you promised me this. You gave this to me. You provided for this. I went my own way. I tried to do it myself, and that's what happened. And, and he had his son, Ishmael. and, and then he, he gave it over to the Lord and he surrendered, and God gave him Isaac and he told him that many nations were gonna come from this one son. And so Abraham had the faith to believe that even if God allowed him to go through with it and for Isaac to, to not be here, was faithful enough to bring him back to life. And that is exactly what God did with Jesus. But it also allows me to see the magnitude because sometimes we get really complacent, right? And we're like, oh yes, John three 16 God's to love the world that he gave his only son. Like, yay God, this is what he did. we have trouble processing the story of Abraham. Let's sit with that and go, but no, but this is what God did. He gave his only son and he watched his son suffer and That is like one of the hardest things to, process. But God knew that there was glory on the other side and that there was many sons to come on the other side. Then at the end, Delaney, you mentioned obedience and after he names. The altar that he built, Jehovah Gyra. Um, an angel of the Lord comes to Abraham and tells him that surely the Lord will bless him. And surely the the Lord will multiply your off offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore. And your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies and in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed. And here it is because you have obeyed my voice. And so that obedience piece to follow the Lord and trust in his provision is so important.


Truly knowing God is Jehovah




act in obedience, to sacrifice and worship. and Abraham even says the Lord.'cause I think Isaac was asking his father, Abraham, where's the sacrifice? Where's the sacrifice? And Abraham said, the Lord will provide. he Abraham all the walk up this mountain and I'm sure it was a very steep mountain with a lot of rocks. He was saying, Jehovah Gyra, Jehovah Jireh, the Lord will provide, and then he names the Lord will provide. So knew like the faith that it takes for Abraham to do something very hard to be obedient to the point of. laying down what he loves and having faith in the impossible that God could bring his son to life. That takes trust in Jehovah Gyra and it takes knowing God will provide that is his character. He loves to provide for his children, I just praise the name Jehovah Jireh.'cause that gives us so much courage to obey when it's hard, too laid down when we don't want to. The things that we love it is, it's more than just a name that we call on when we want something. It is a name that we need order be all that God has called us to be.

Track 1:

I love seeing too, just the opportunity of getting to know. God's character more through those experiences and how at first glance, that must have not seemed like a very. Fun, or Hey, yeah, I'd like to do that kind of opportunity. But looking at it, there's a lack, right? So where is God going to provide and in what way? Or what? What will God provide in way of knowing him better for his character? And so now we get to absorb and find fruit. Even all these years later, I can't even imagine how much Abraham felt that too. So the gift of invitation, just for, you know, provision of coming to know him greater and better. I mean, it's such a gift.


Yeah. And, and the, the trust of Abraham to know that the Lord is gonna provide an even telling men that he left behind we're coming back. Me and the boy were coming back. We are gonna, as you said, Delaney, we're gonna go worship we're coming back. And he knew that. so we like to close out every episode, Callie, with a final question. And that question is, what are you taking away from this conversation that you need to remember in the days ahead?

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I think the reminder that when things are difficult. In the way of looking at lack, uh, looking to him as provider, but sometimes that provision might not necessarily look like what you think it would, um, but knowing that he's going to provide and that we come to know him deeper, and that's, that's the real gift of it and the real opportunity.


about you, Delaney?


I I think Psalm, what is it, 37

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Psalm 37. Four is just going to ears because of you, Callie, and just I think I am leaving this conversation. So encouraged to have those sweet moments with Jesus, with my Heavenly Father, truly to remember back in the times that he has provided to the times that he's answered my prayers. Um,'cause I would, I was also praying for my future husband and I pray specifically for qualities and I remember those. I still have that journal piece with my, my handwriting all over it and I need to go back to that'cause my husband and I are about to celebrate our second anniversary, so, Just, I'm so encouraged by you and just your walk with and the Father, and the, the love that you have already cultivated for your future husband, the purity of heart and prayer that you've already established in your rhythm of life that is going to bless family and ultimately just give you a depth to your relationship with God. So I'm gonna take away Psalm 37, 4, um, delight and trust him with the desires of my heart.


Yes. I just wanna echo Delaney, Callie, in saying that I see a harvest ahead of you because you have sown so much into your future, and I know that the Lord is gonna bless it. Not only that, but you, you honored him by putting it. Out into the world to bless others. so another verse that we looked at for this series was Romans 8 32, and it says, he who did not spare his own son, but gave him up for us all, how will he not also. With him give us all things. so just reflecting on this conversation, and I, I love the words that you used there, Callie, about lack, embracing lack. I've been negative a a few times over the past few days and kind of vented to my husband about some, some things. And, I need to see lack as an opportunity, for God to provide and be reminded of that. We know that, right? But we forget.

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just remember that his son, how much more will he not give us all things. So, thank you so much Kylie for joining us

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Thank you.


It's know you.


Yes. Thank you.

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Thank you. Bless you both.

Thank you guys for joining us for this episode of the podcast. If you have not subscribed to the podcast yet, go ahead and do that. Now we have more conversations coming. And this series, and if you have not seen the resources that we have available for you, check out the link to our website in our show notes. We want you to gather with the girls around you and have meaningful conversations about life and faith. They need it. We need it. That's why we exist because we want you to create these engaging spaces. We want you to connect with the girls around you. We want you. to have meaningful conversations. It's why we are having. Meaningful conversations here. So check out. Those resources and join us back here. Next week for the next episode in. The, who is God series.