Be the Brave Ones
Helping you live brave, build community, and pass on courageous faith to the girls around you, we are the Be the Brave Ones Podcast! We have meaningful conversations on the podcast that inspire you to live out your faith with courage and encourage you to have meaningful conversations of your own with the girls in your life! We are the official podcast of Brave Girls Gather. Pull up a seat and join us at our table of brave conversation! Learn more about Brave Girls Gather at www.bravegirlsgather.com
Be the Brave Ones
You Can Rest Series: Sanctuary with Jodie Frye & Heidi Paulec
We are continuing on in our series, "You Can Rest," with some special friends, Jodie Frye & Heidi Paulec. In a world that refuses to slow down, how do we find rest? In Matthew 11:28, Jesus invites all who are weary and weighed down to come to Him and find rest. In this series, we are discovering more about the rest Jesus promised and what it looks like to experience it and live it out! In this episode, we talk about accepting Christ's invitation to receive rest and how godly friendships can be a sanctuary of rest.
Jodie Frye is passionate about weaving God's Word with her words to create a place for grace. Her hope is to empower you to see your problems in light of the Promises and your brutal in hope of the Beautiful. Her first book, a devotional-journal and audio collection called Coming To Light: An Advent Experience Through the Book of Luke, will be launching in November and is available for pre-order now on Amazon.
Author and educator Heidi L. Paulec knows how wounds, wandering, and wrestling serve as an invitation to intimacy with God. Walking with Him, she's learning to discover… to remember… to share the beauty and wonder and invites you to do the same. You can find her book Abiding Light: In the Shadow of Your Absence, at all major booksellers including Amazon.
Learn more about Brave Girls Gather here.
Download the "You Can Rest" brave conversation here.
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